South Africa rail fasteners
In South Africa Railway is the most important country's transportation. All major cities are connected by rail, and South Africa's railway system is the most highly developed in Africa. Recently South Africa plans to vigorously introduce Chinese railway technology to make the national railway system fully upgraded, so its transportation ministry will accelerate cooperation with the Chinese railway construction unit to make its development lags behind the rapid development of the railway system. This is very good news for rail fastener manufacturers of China.
Common rail fasteners
The first track opened on 26 June 1860. Rail fasteners are rail dog spike. Nowadays in South Africa SKL fastening systems, E-clip fastening systems spring blade fastening systems, KP fastening system, metro rail fastenings and fish plates and fish plate bolts, sleeper screws, lock spikes, spear bolts for tunnels etc. are usually applied to railways. They are manufactured to standard of UIC, NF, DIN, and BS. On the track e-clips and SKL clips are mainly applied to rails. Other fasteners includes Elastic spike, fish plates and connecting bolts, HS series T-bolt, SS and NF series screw spike, tunnel bolt products.

High speed rail fasteners
With modern trains on the 7th of 2012 sailed into new downtown Johannesburg Park Station, South Africa the first high-speed railway "Hao Teng” high-speed rail line opened. FC fastening system was used on the track. The fastening system is to meet the needs of the high-speed rail fastening system performance requirements, and its significant advantages: installation speed (for existing of other various types of fastener installation efficiency by 10-15%), small amount of maintenance, saves a great deal of installation construction cost and operation and maintenance costs.

Heavy haul rail fasteners
South Africa is one of the world's five largest mineral countries. It is with very rich mineral resources. Rail transportation plays the key role, so heavy haul rail is an important rail choice. Due to the increase of heavy haul train speed increase and volume, accordingly significantly increases the impact of the line, axle load, the operating conditions of the high density, on the track structure produce damaging effects of accelerated development, rail fasteners must choose the appropriate rail accessories. For example, on the Sisen-Saldanha Iron Ore Line and Richards Bay Coal Line, E-clip (e2000) fastening system and FIST fastening system are widely used. Clamping Force of clip e2000 is over 21KN. The fist rail fastening system is firstly developed in Sweden. This rail fastening system is widely used in the railroad in South Africa. At the first rail pad is the standard model, it is made of 12 mm thick high density polyethylene (HDPE). Now most of the railway sections are equipped with the Hytrel pad with excellent durability, which belongs to micro bubble plate. The performance of the rail pad has improved to get instant results, including Improving force displacement, improving the recovery ability, enhancing the durability of the sleepers and stone slag, reducing service interruption. The stability of the track system means a stronger long-term transport capacity.